Thursday, August 16, 2007



For ECPM: 12 local churches are involved in Training
For Partnering Church: 2 local churches at the averageFor Sponsorship: 2 local churches at the average

There is an average of 16 churches working together for a great purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission, whenever there is a church planting team on the move. The people of God are giving their respective share in one common purpose of reaching the lost and establishing a new worshipping community. It is important to realize the value and benefits of the interdependence relationship of the local churches. There are mutual recognition of own strengths and weaknesses, giftedness and inabilities, and what are the resources to share and to require. This New Testament principle of partnership could be translated in many creative ways particularly in church planting.

That could be considered as a picture of unity that the Lord Jesus Christ is concerned about when he prayed, “for all those who will believe in Me, that they may all be one.” (John 17:21) The purpose of Christ’s prayer for unity is “to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them as you loved me.” (John 7:23) It implies that we have been redeemed to join as one to God in his mission of making the lost souls his disciples. We may differ in many aspects of doing things in the ministry but we have one common task of proclaiming the Gospel of Hope to the dying world. The Great Commission is our mission. Therefore, this mission that God placed before his people and to His church challenges us to join hands with cooperation in the spirit of unity.